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Animal Welfare

Ban on Sharks Fin Cargo


HK Express is the first Hong Kong airline to ban Sharks Fin cargo to declare our support for the global campaign to ban the trade. HK Express CEO Andrew Cowen acknowledges the growing public backlash against selling and eating shark fin and condemns the act of catching sharks and cutting off their fins for food. Animal conversation is as important as environmental conservation and there is an importance in keeping the balance of the marine ecosystem of which the threat of marine creatures are increasingly posed by gourmet demands. 

 Dog Shelter 


A group of 19 HK Express volunteers joined the Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Group Orientation to learn more about the organization, and what they do. Our volunteers had a tour around the kennels, learnt about basic dog handling skills and helped in walking the dogs. Following the orientation, participants will become HKDR registered volunteers and are welcomed to volunteer at the HKDR in the future.