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Booking period

20 Feb - 22 Mar 2024

Travel period

20 Feb - 22 Mar 2024

The limited-time luggage offer has arrived! If you're planning trips to Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hanoi, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Manila, or Beijing, don’t miss out on this offer! During your initial booking to any of these destinations, take advantage of the exclusive offer to purchase a checked baggage allowance for the price of 25 kg, while receiving a 30 kg allowance (an upgrade at HKD 0)*. This deal saves you HKD 60, offering up to a 14% discount! Enjoy the freedom of a 30 kg checked baggage allowance, allowing you to indulge in shopping throughout your journey without the worry of luggage overload. Book now and set off on a trip filled with abundant finds.


*Per segment, terms and conditions apply, offer only applicable on designated travel period.