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Credit Vouchers - Terms and conditions:

  1. Credit voucher can be redeemed within one year from the date of voucher issuance and is valid for new bookings made with HK Express only.
  2. Applicant for credit voucher shall specify in the electronic application form if split issuance of credit vouchers are required for a group of passengers under same booking otherwise only one credit voucher will be issued to the customer who submit the electronic application form. If split issuance of the credit voucher is required, the amount of individual credit voucher will be calculated in accordance with individual spending of the passengers under the relevant booking.
  3. One credit voucher can be used in a new booking transaction and cannot be used in conjunction with other vouchers or promotion code.
  4. Credit voucher is non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-redeemable for cash.
  5. Credit voucher must be used all at once. Cash will not be given for any unused balance. Unused balance of any expired Credit Voucher will not be refunded or credited.
  6. Credit voucher must be used for new air ticket booking. If a credit voucher is insufficient to pay for full payment of a booking, outstanding balance shall be settled with credit card or any digital wallet which is compatible to the system.
  7. Credit voucher is valid for single use with no remaining value for full or part payment of other booking transactions
  8. Credit voucher can only be redeemed against bookings in the currency of issuance.
  9. HK Express reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time, and to take any action in relation to Credit Voucher that at its sole discretion it deems is necessary.
  10. In case of any dispute, the decision of HK Express shall be final.


  1. 代金券必須於發出當日起計一年內使用,並只適用於預訂新的HK Express機票訂單,逾期作廢。
  2. 申請人必須於遞交電子申請表格時列明是否需要按訂單中的每一位旅客個別發出代金券,否則系統會自動按申請人發出代金券乙張。如需按旅客個別發出代金券,有關金額將按訂單中每位旅客所訂購之機票與產品和服務之費用計算。
  3. 每張代金券只可作預訂全新訂單之用,並不可與其他禮券及優惠碼同時使用。
  4. 代金券在任何情況下都不得退款,轉讓或兌換現金。
  5. 代金券供一次性使用,一經使用餘下的價值將不可兌換現金。任何逾期之代金券將不能退款或兌換現金。
  6. 代金券只可使用於全新機票訂單。如代金券金額不足以支付新訂單的全數費用,餘額應由信用卡或系統兼容的電子錢包來支付。
  7. 代金券只能使用一次,如有餘額亦不能用作支付其他預訂交易之全數或部分金額。
  8. 代金券只能使用於以相同貨幣計算的訂單。
  9. HK Express 保留隨時更改條款及細則的權利,以及就代金券之相關事宜作出任何所需行動。
  10. 如有任何爭議,HK Express 保留行使代金券之最終決定權。


  1. 代金券必须于发出当日起计一年内使用,并只适用于预订新的香港快运航空机票订单,逾期作废。
  2. 申请人必须于递交电子申请表格时列明是否需要按订单中的每一位旅客个别发出代金券,否则系统会自动按申请人发出代金券乙张。如需按旅客个别发出代金券,有关金额将按订单中每位旅客所订购之机票与产品和服务之费用计算。
  3. 每张代金券只可作预订全新订单之用,并不可与其他礼券及优惠码同时使用。
  4. 代金券在任何情况下都不得退款、转让或兑换现金。
  5. 代金券供一次性使用,一经使用余下的价值将不可兑换现金。任何逾期之代金券将不能退款或兑换现金。
  6. 代金券只可使用于全新机票订单。如代金券金额不足以支付新订单的全数费用,余额应由信用卡或系统兼容的电子钱包来支付。
  7. 代金券只能使用一次,如有余额亦不能用作支付其他预订交易之全数或部分金额。
  8. 代金券只能使用于以相同货币计算的订单。
  9. 香港快运航空保留随时更改条款及细则的权利,以及就代金券之相关事宜作出任何所需行动。
  10. 如有任何争议,香港快运航空保留行使代金券之最终决定权。